Monday, August 3, 2009


OK I'm going to give this a shot. This is just a sample/test/warm-up/let's-see-what-happens/I-wonder-if-anyone-would-even-watch-this* video.
Yes, I play piano. No, I'm not good. But check it out and if it's good show all your friends! Maybe I'll be able to cross "make a YouTube video that gets over 1,000 views" off of my to-do list.

Yeah I screwed up a bit. Yeah the song's** kinda homo.
I don't give a damnnn

Better things will come later once I become pro at GarageBand and iMovie. Be patient.

*typing with a hyphen replacing the spacebar is a pain in the ass.
**song, or "piece," if you're an elitist musician snob who cringes when people call things like concertos and symphonies "songs"