Saturday, June 19, 2010

La la la

It's going to suck to be a history major in 1000 years... so much more shit to learn. And primary sources from the 21st century will consist of twitter and stupid blogs. I guess with every passing year, being a historian gets a little bit more difficult.

I wonder how Mexico feels about New Mexico. We should rename Alaska "New Canada." And where is the original "Jersey"? or "Zealand"?

Dumb things I believed as a kid:
-that drinking milk would make my teeth whiter.
-that eating ice cream would make me feel warmer on a cold day because it would cool down the inside of my body and make the outside air seem relatively warmer.
-that "auspicious" was a typo for "suspicious" because "a" and "s" are so close on the keyboard

And this is why I think Kesha is a talentless, white-trash, shitty-version-of-Lady-Gaga who can do nothing but crap out "catchy" songs that appeal to the lowest common denominator:

What. The. F*ck...

I need to find a job.

1 comment:

  1. agreed about ke$ha. good work. also agreed on - you need a job! haha. you can't just propose to every woman who has a job and/or future and be a trophy husband. you are better than this ucla...
