Monday, February 15, 2010


So I've been through Music, Comm/Soc/Psych, Econ, and Statistics, and I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I think I'll inevitably be led back to some form of art. What's interesting is that many things can be viewed as an art, depending on how you look at them. When I think of the arts, I think of language/poetry, drawings/paintings/etc, and music. I guess theater is kind of an art too. And dance.
I'm sure some people regard engineering and computer programming as an art?
Anyway, the two I appreciate most are language and music. The thing that bothers me about language is that it seems to have intrinsic limits, while music seems capable of "expressing the inexpressible." But at the same time, that's what makes language so interesting to me. I want to push those limits. I have a long way to go before I reach that point. I feel so clumsy with words sometimes. How do I fix this?
Practice, practice, practice.
And I guess I should read more too?

Bring it, life!

New pet peeves:
-People who buy expensive water
-Fat people eating McDonald's. It's like watching someone smoke through a hole in their throat. Or watching a diabetic eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch soaked in Sunkist. They need to be slapped.

Flight of the Conchords!

These guys are like the opposite of a pet peeve.
I know. Eloquently spoken.

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