Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dumb Journalists, Lazy Scientists

I'm getting sick of articles like these:

Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? (Sept 2010)

Your Brain on Exercise (July 2010)

Vigorous Exercise Linked With Better Grades (June 2010)

What Sort of Exercise Can Make You Smarter? (Sept 2009)

Exercise on the Brain (Nov 2007)

It's not so much that journalists are using completely recycled material that bothers me. Often I think the messages behind these repackaged articles are good ones, and tend to inspire people to better themselves. The thing that pisses me off is the constant claim that these findings come from "a number of new studies." While I don't doubt that scientists are conducting these experiments, they are certainly beginning to seem redundant.

Hey scientists, stop telling people why exercise is good for us or why test-taking improves learning or why it's important to get enough sleep! These feel-good studies are useless. Parents teach their kids this sh*t all the time. Kids don't need your stupid research to back their mom's claim that vegetables are good for them. Isn't it about time you cured cancer anyway? Where are the Darwins or Einsteins or Watson and Cricks of our time?