Anyway, on the side of the article there was a photo of a fat kid gleefully frolicking across the beach right above a caption grimly describing the epidemic of obesity in this country. Did this kid agree to have his picture published? Was he bribed with a 3 Musketeers? Maybe that's why he looks so happy in the photo. Were his parents f*cked up enough to allow this to happen? The article was in a textbook at least 10 years old and it's very possible that the kid has reached the age where he might be studying this shit. How distressing would it be to outgrow your embarrassing tubbster phase just to find a photo of you prancing around the sand in all your obese glory branded into the side of an article about abnormal psychology condemning mentally unstable fatties. After all those years of bullying you endured and all the hours you put in at the gym to hide your insecurities with bulging pecs, a little picture published in millions of textbooks comes back to undo ALL THAT EFFORT ASDLFASHKDFASALFJDS!
Anyone recognize me circa 1998?
I'm so sad I can't find the picture I'm actually talking about...Anyway, to all the poster children for those anti-childhood-obesity campaigns: I salute you.
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