OK so I haven't researched this at all, but I seriously don't understand the point of signing credit card receipts. You could change your signature each time and no one would give a crap. My signature has evolved (or degenerated) to look like a Richter scale graph, and I doubt there will be an ramifications. (I really love the word "ramifications," it's like a more badass way to say "consequences." I never say "consequences" anymore.)
And don't even get me started on the stupidity of those credit card touch screen signing pads... good god. Am I the only one whose signature ends up looking like a Rorschach inkblot?
I guess you can kinda make out the A and the R...
I should probably make some summer goals. Word on the street is that writing down your goals and saying them out loud makes you more likely to go through with them.
Goal #1: Think of more goals.
Happy Summer everyone!
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