Here's my other favorite (and this time by "favorite" I mean the people I pity most):
"[The Evil Aliens] theory maintains that humanity is actually under the control of shape-shifting alien reptiles, who require periodic ingestion of human blood to maintain their human appearance. David Icke has been a devoted proponent of this theory. Reportedly the Bush family and the British Royal Family are actually such creatures, and Diana, Princess of Wales was aware of this, presumably relating to her death. David Icke's theory, which encompasses many other conspiracy theories, is that humanity is actually under the reptillians; with evidence ranging from Sumerian tablets describing the "Anunnaki" (which he translates as "those who from heaven to earth came"), to the serpent in the Biblical Garden of Eden, to child abuse and water fluoridation. This theory has been the subject of several books."
I shit you not. This is a legitimate conspiracy theory!
On a happier note... Drugs!
OK so I knew weed was both less harmful and less addicting than tobacco and booze, but acid and E as well?? Maybe I haven't researched this to the necessary extent, but who's in charge of what's illegal in this country, and what the hell are they smoking?
Two things make me miss cello:
-Awesome symphonies
-Jacqueline du Pre
This one in particular, as it was the last one I ever performed
I don't even like Haydn, but du Pre makes everything awesome
Here's one thing I don't miss
"Oh you play cello?! Do you know that Bach piece/that song from that movie/that song from that commercial/the one that goes lalalalalalalala??"
Yes I do, and No I won't play it for you.
Aww reichy, you taught me the beginning of that song you hate so much :)