Yesterday was a sad day for America, everyone-
Gidget has finally passed away.
Excuse me? You don't know who GIDGET is?!
You must hate America.
Ring any bells?
"F*ck Taco Bell...¡Yo quiero vivir*!"
Gidget lived to the ripe age of 15 (76 in human years). Not bad considering how often she wanted Taco Bell.
For those of you who don't know (which I'd hope would be 99.9% of the general population), Gidget also starred in Legally Blonde 2, some Geico ads, and inspired the adoptions of chihuahuas worldwide. I mean America. (the world, America, same thing.)
Anyway, look on the bright side: if you own a chihuahua, there's a new job opening available!
She will be buried tonight in a soft taco shell after cremation by means of Fire Sauce. (Too soon?)
RIP Gidget.
1994 - July 23, 2009
*vivir = "to live"
(for those of you who aren't familiar with the fair Spanish language)
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